CNY Hiking HOME PAGE Connecticut Hill WMA Finger Lakes/North Country Trail in Connecticut Hill WMA
Hiking in Tompkins County
Connecticut Hill WMA

Bob Cameron


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Directions:  From Ithaca, NY: NY 13 south to NY 327 (turn right).  NY 327 past Robert Tremen State Park, turn left on Trumbull Corners Road.  Turn Right on Rumsey Hill Road and follow road to end.  Turn left on Black Oak Road.  Road will become a dirt road and passes a couple of FLT trail crossings, but continue down road.  Road veers sharply to the right, passing towers on your left. 

You will now come to a "T" where the main road veers left, however this is where you will turn right.  Follow the dirt road to just prior to the towers and at the FLT/NCT trail crossing.  There is parking either at the towers or along the side of the road.  Start you hike on the FLT that is on the same side as the towers. The GPS coordinates are N42 23.156 W76 40.113 for those who have a gps devise.

Notes:  A popular loop hike in Connecticut Hill WMA.  Bob Cameron was a former manager of Connecticut Hill WMA.  Part of this hike is on the "isolated" section of Robert Tremen State Park.  Be sure to follow the blazes carefully as there are sections of this hike where it is very easy to "wonder off" the main trail.

Mile Elevation Description
0.0 2080 ft

From Tower Rd, head west along the Finger Lakes/North Country Trail.  Follow the white blazes. 

0.03 2090 ft

Junction of the orange blazed Bob Cameron Trail.  Turn right and follow orange blazes.   

0.25 2004 ft

Junction of the "loop" just after double blaze.  Turn left and follow orange blazes.


0.8 1839 ft

Cross Ravine. 

1.1 1748 ft

Trail veers right. 

1.2 1668 ft

Cross stream.  Low point of hike.  Begin Ascending.

1.25 1700 ft

Trail veers left away from ravine.

1.7 1832 ft

Trail turns right steeply uphill. 

1.8 1884 ft

Trail turn sharply left.  Orange blaze ahead looks to have "X" through it.  This is the TRAIL!


2.4 2004 ft

Junction of the "loop".  Continue straight.

2.63 2090 ft

End of the Bob Cameron Trail.  Turn right on the Finger Lakes/North Country Trail.  Follow the white blazes.


2.66 2080 ft

Reach Tower Road and the end of this loop hike. 



CNY Hiking HOME PAGE Connecticut Hill WMA Van Lone Hill Loop
Finger Lakes/North Country Trail in Connecticut Hill WMA New York State Parks North Country Trail in CNY
NY State Lands SW of Syracuse Robert Tremen State Park Buttermilk Falls State Park

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