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  Hiking in Onondaga County
Finger Lakes Trail System

Skyline Trail


The 6.1 mile Skyline Trail is part of the Finger Lakes Trail System and links Heiberg Memorial Forest to Labrador Hollow Unique Area. The western terminus of the Skyline Trail is in Heiberg Memorial Forest, which is owned by the State University of New York College of Environmental Science & Forestry.  The eastern terminus of the trail is at the junction of the North Country Trail near Tinker Falls in Labrador Hollow Unique Area.

If you're looking for a challenging section of this trail, hike from Labrador Pond west up Labrador Mountain. There is an elevation gain of over 700 feet on this steep stretch of the trail. If you're looking to do Skyline Trail, we suggest two cars and start at Heiberg Memorial Forest and end at the Tinker Falls Parking Area. This way you walk down the steep Labrador Mountain, unless you want to hike up the mountain. 

The official Finger Lakes Trail Conference website has up to date trail conditions as well as hiking maps you can purchase from them. The Skyline Trail is featured on map O1 from the FLTC. Look below for some pictures, a detailed description and maps of the Skyline Trail.

Looking for the trail?

  • Western terminus/Heiberg Nature Trail parking area GPS coordinates are N42 46.635 W76 05.128 There are no signs for the trail, look across the road for a mowed path next to a large old log.
  • Markham Hollow Road parking area GPS coordinates are N42 47.542 W76 03.524  Look for the double orange blaze to start.
  • Labrador Hollow Nature Trail parking area GPS coordinates are N42 47.530 W76 03.116 Look for the orange blazes of the trail.
  • Tinker Falls parking area GPS coordinates are N42 46.820 W76 02.182.
Guide to the Hiking Trails at Morgan Hill State Forest
includes Labrador Hollow Unique Area
**ONLY $5**
Created by CNY Hiking, this guide comes to you as a pdf file that you can either print out or send it to your smart phone or Kindle. You'll have maps & info on hikes at Morgan Hill State Forest at your finger tips. Use the Buy Now button below and we'll send you the pdf file via email usually within 24 hours of payment.
Mile Elevation Skyline Trail Description - following orange blazes
0.0 1741 feet

Trail starts across the road from the Heiberg Forest Nature Trail. Follow blue diamond markers & orange blazes.

0.35  1859 feet Trail turns right to follow boundary.
0.75 1901 feet Blue Diamond Trail goes right as Skyline Trail veers left. Soon cross an old logging road. 
0.9 1854 feet Pond #1 is off to your right.
1.55 1824 feet Turn left on Tully-Truxton Road.
1.6  1812 feet Turn right and follow seasonal dirt Kettlebail Forest Road. You are in Kettlebail State Forest.
1.7 1801 feet Turn left off dirt road.
2.1 1925 feet Trail turns left.
2.3 1973 feet Pass by an old foundation.
 2.6  1965 feet Leaving Kettlebail State Forest, entering Labrador Hollow Unique Area.
 3.0 1888 feet Begin the real steep descent of Labrador Mountain.
3.8 1209 feet Reach Markham Hollow Road, turn left following road briefly and then turn right off road at parking area. 
4.25 1206 feet Labrador Hollow Nature Trail parking area. The nature trail is off to the right near the kiosk. Porta-potty.
4.5 1215 feet Reach Labrador Crossing Road, turn right and follow road.
4.6 1223 feet Cross NY 91 and small bridge over ditch. Trail travels parallel to NY 91. 
5.8 1268 feet Gate. Cross NY 91 to Tinker Falls Parking Area. Skyline Trail continues following old road, ascending.
6.0 1520 feet Trail veers right off woods road (left is to Hang Glider Spot).
6.1 1528 feet Reach the North Country Trail. End of Skyline Trail. Right is to top of Tinker Falls and toward the Tinker Falls Trail, left heads toward Jones Hill.

Western terminus of Skyline Trail along Maple Ridge Rd in Heiberg Forest

Double orange blaze at the Markham Hollow parking area for the Skyline Trail

Trail register in Labrador Hollow Unique Area

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